Breathe Better. Sleep Better.

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What makes SleepTape so exceptional?

Star Review

Over 2750+ 5.0 Reviews

"Admittedly I was skeptical about whether or not this tape would actually improve my sleep. I can’t believe how wrong I was. This stuff has absolutely improved the quality of my sleep. 10 out of 10 recommend."

- Zoe S πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦

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What actually is mouth tape?

Thinking about trying mouth tape? It might sound weird, but breathing through your nose is what your body prefers. Nose breathing can help filter out dust and allergens, boost your oxygen uptake, and humidify the air you breathe in. We use high quality and extremely breathable cotton to ensure the best quality mouth tape.


There's science behind it?

Dr. Andrew Huberman says mouth taping can change how you sleep, making you breathe through your nose for a deeper rest. It's simple science: nasal breathing improves oxygen flow, cuts snoring, and keeps your mouth healthy. Mouth Tape had lead users to sleep through the night, waking up tested, due to improved quality of their sleep.

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No chance it actually sticks!

SleepTape provides a strong, comfortable hold, making it feel as unnoticed as your favorite silk boxers. Designed to stick through the night, crafted for even the toughest beards. Ready for energized mornings, better dental health, and fresh breath? Join countless other SleepTape soldiers today.

Try SleepTape today

Russel S

5 Star Review

Ever since I started using SleepTape, the quality of my sleep has been great. No more congestion or waking up feeling tired.

Nina F. Testimonial

Darren A

5 Star Review

My wife used to always complain about my snoring but since I started using SleepTape, we've both been sleeping through the night and it has made a huge difference to the quality of my sleep!

Kim L

5 Star Review

I was skeptical at first, but SleepTape has completely changed my nights. It's helped with my dry mouth and my sleep is uninterrupted. I wake up feeling rejuvenated. It's been surprisingly effective.

Craig W

5 Star Review

I had my doubts, but SleepTape holds firm all night without irritating my skin. As a lifelong mouth breather, it's been a true game-changer. The improved sleep has boosted my days significantly.

SleepTape FAQ's

How Does It Work?

SleepTape encourages you to breathe through your nose by keeping your mouth closed. This simple change can improve sleep quality for you and your partner.

Will I Suffocate with a stuffy nose?

No, your body naturally wakes you if breathing gets tough. Mouth breathing can make congestion worse, but SleepTape helps prevent this by encouraging nasal breathing. The tape lets air in, so you won't suffocate. Start with tape and nose strips during the day, then try it at night once you're comfortable.

Can It Save My Marriage?

Consult your spouse for that! However, reducing snoring and improving sleep can decrease arguments caused by irritability from sleep deprivation. We might help with those.

Is It Safe With Allergies?

Yes. Nasal breathing might feel odd at first but can actually enhance nasal function and reduce congestion over time. SleepTape, along with Nose Strips, may improve nasal breathing for those with allergies. Try it during the day before using it all night.

Safe for Sleep Apnea?

SleepTape has aided many with mild sleep apnea by keeping the tongue in place, helping maintain an open airway. If using a CPAP, pair it with a nasal mask and SleepTape.

What About Asthma?

Nasal breathing can improve air quality before it reaches your lungs, beneficial for asthma sufferers. Start with SleepTape and Nose Strips during the day and move to overnight use when ready.

Can Women Use It?

Absolutely! Countless women benefit from improved nasal breathing with SleepTape. Our reviews are filled with their success stories.

Why Choose SleepTape?

Are you crazy?! Because it's unmatched! Beyond being the best mouth tape, its unique design, fabric, and hypoallergenic materials make it comfortable and effective, even for beards and strong jaws.